Thursday, February 11, 2010

Part 2

....So I pushed the send button and waited. Worried. What had I just done? Where with this adventure take me? Have I done the right thing? Will lightening strike? Will my migraine return? Will the kids start fighting? What will be my omen?

OK - a little dramatic, I know. But we have all been there when we have ventured to the unknown. But as Christopher Columbus said, "Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World." (Also, you can't venture to the future if you never lose sight of the shore. It isn't exact, but I know he said this somewhere. Anyway it sounds good and is true if you ponder it.)

Then to my dismay what should appear in my in box but an actual application form to join CCPro. What? They just don't take anyone? How can that be. Ahhhhh! Yes, the testimonials do say it isn't a MLM company. But did I truly believe? Obviously not 100%.

So I filled out the extensive application and once again had to click the send" button. There comes those feelings again, but not to the degree as the first click.

I am now told a representative will be contacting me by phone in the next 24 hours after they have reviewed my application and it has to be accepted. Now, they had some credibility with me. I felt like who I am is being taken seriously. I am a somebody.

I can hear your rumbles under your breath as I write this. Yes, this could all be a smoke screen, and yes, they probably accept everyone. But I am given a 30 day $ back guarantee if I take the next step after acceptance. So so far I am still in my comfort zone. No money +no commitment = still can turn back if not satisfied with their policies and procedures (aka, MLM in sheep's clothing.) That is if I am accepted. I am confident that I will be so I wait................(again.)

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